#SundayCivics is a weekly show that teaches civic education and engagement using the current political landscape. It airs on SiriusXM Urban View every Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. and is also available to download as a podcast.
Creator, Host & Producer
L. Joy Williams is a national political strategist, consultant, public speaker and social justice advocate. She is a trusted strategic adviser to elected leaders and organizations across the country and is sought after by various media outlets for her wide-ranging expertise on politics and social justice. L. Joy also serves as President of Brooklyn NAACP and is the founding chairman of Higher Heights for America.
For more visit ljoywilliams.com
June Moses
My name is June, like the month, Moses like in the bible. I was adopted and raised in Westchester County in New York. I now reside, and have for the past 25 years, in the wonderful village of Harlem in NYC. At almost half a century, I have seen the world change, grow, retract and go back to growing and there are two things I have found to be valuable: being a lifelong learner in any way and try to be a better person today than you were yesterday.
I have worked in civil rights/social justice on some level in some form, all my life. I believe that people can and are the agents of change they seek so it gives me great pleasure that L.Joy has taken me along for this great ride with the creation of #SundayCivics.
Lurie Daniel Favors
Lurie Daniel Favors is General Counsel at the Center for Law and Social Justice, an activist and attorney with a long-standing commitment to racial and social justice. Before graduating from New York University School of Law as a Root-Tilden-Kern public interest scholar, Ms. Daniel Favors co-founded Sankofa Community Empowerment, Inc., a non-profit organization designed to empower racially disenfranchised communities. She later co-founded Breaking the Cycle Consulting Services LLC, which specializes in creating comprehensive professional development for educators, youth education programs and family workshops designed to address the crisis in urban education through the use of culturally responsive teaching.