Episode 265: Post Election Resilience

The outcome of the 2024 election has left so many of us feeling a mix of emotions, from disappointment to determination, but as L. Joy always says, “civics doesn’t begin and end of Election Day”. In this week’s episode L. Joy offers a simple reassurance: these feelings are natural, but they need not define us. One election does not determine our commitment to a more equitable society. This is an opportunity for resilience and a renewed focus on what truly matters.

Later in the episode, L. Joy revisits a past discussion and shares her reflective questions for campaigns and candidates following a loss:

  • Did the campaign reflect your values?

  • Did the campaign advance the policy issues you care about?

  • Did the campaign engage more people in the process?

  • How did your campaign impact the political power structure?

These questions guide candidates to consider the broader impact of their efforts, beyond just the outcome.

Additionally, L. Joy gives a quick civics lesson on the Department of Education and state control of public education. She details specifically the role of the federal agency and what is behind the push to eliminate the agency.

Lastly, L. Joy challenges us to consider what we are fighting for and to not succumb to hate and despair over what we are fighting against. The fight for justice continues, and we cannot allow temporary setbacks to deter us from our values and principles. She invites us to channel our energy into a renewed fight for the issues that matter most and vows that #SundayCivics will remain the space to provide us with both a community and a call to action—a reminder that the journey towards a more just society is ongoing.


Take Civic Action

Do-Now: The election cycle took a toll on every aspect of our lives. Take some time to rest and reset. Do not succumb to hate and despair. Do not let the fear of what is to come change your character or your principals.


Episode 266: The Civic Power of Community


Episode 264: Election 2024 Closing Thoughts