Episode 196: September, Set, GO!
It’s a new season! It’s a new day and L. Joy is reminding us that we must pay attention to more than the happenings on the Federal level, there are actions happening locally. This September, time to get our strategies together, get set to visit with our elected officials, and go to work. To help with strategy and tips for lobbying for our communities, L. Joy revisits her interview with New York State lobbyist Jacqui Williams.

Episode 195: Getting Back to Work
There is a “Great Resignation” and folks are leaving their jobs. There are not enough good jobs to go around. People are lazy and do not want to work. There are many statements made around work, but are they correct? L. Joy begins our ongoing conversation Work and what it has to do with civics, by discussing work and our young people ages 16-24, and how we get them into the employment pipeline, with Marjorie Parker at the front of the class.

Episode 194: The Civics of Space Exploration
Space exploration and civics. What do they have in common? The government! NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) receives our tax dollars through Congress and they do a lot with that money! They launched the James Webb Telescope (Webb), which compliments and extends discoveries by the Hubble Telescope, in December of 2021 and the first pictures are in! L. Joy is one of the first people to see the pictures before they were released to the world. To discuss NASA and Webb, L. Joy brings Gregory Robinson and Michelle Jones to the front of the class.

Episode 192: Ballot Access
L. Joy has been on a mission to get us to understand the nuts and bolts of how the government works. One thing a lot of folks probably are not clear on is ballot access. Ballot access are the rules that manage how candidates are able to appear on voters' ballots. To break down the particulars on ballot access, L. Joy brings political analyst Richard Winger to the front of the class.

Episode 191: What Do We Do Now?!? THE WORK
Episode after episode, L. Joy gives us the tools to do the work needed to help bring about change. From one of the first shows “You Have No Constitutional Right to Vote,” to “What to Do After You Lose,” to “Biden Won, Now What?,” and all the episodes in between, the through line has-been we always have work to do! This episode, L. Joy brings back her thoroughest girls, Lurie Daniel Favors and June Moses to have a frank conversation on THE WORK and what needs to be done starting now to right our collective ship.

Episode 190: Immigration Part III
Continuing our conversation on immigration, L. Joy is discussing the fastest growing immigrant population in the country-African immigrants. They are also fighting for civil rights, opportunity, and a better life for their families here in the US. Amaha Kassa comes to the front of the class to give us the information and the context we need to know right now.